//1.You said that I pusposefully deceived you in quoting the verse 2:26. No, by my heart, I never tried to make mistakes willingly (or knowingly). If I do that Allah(swt) knows all and I will get enough punishment in the aakira (judgement day). What I said is Quran always asks us to seek knowledge and analyze quran by that knowledge. It does not says us to readily accept it. I also said, that is what mentioned in the verse. Do you think, muslims in early days accepted Quran because it scared them, no, but by knowing by heart the divine nature of Quran//
Not only you, but every fanatic talks like that. Bahai, Quadiani, Muslim, Christian and all of them. If their book says the earth is flat, they want to believe the earth is flat. Irrespective of what the science says. They want the science to validate their belief. But if science is contradicting from their own book, they have two options. One is to read the book verses in such a way it would somehow manages to show as if it is ok. Another is to deny the scientific truth altogether. If the book says earth is flat, then you want to read the verses in such a way it would show it is a sphere. If the book says allah created man from clay, you do not want to accept the scientific truth of evolution. The problem with that is science cannot be picked and choosen.
உலகம் தட்டை இல்லை என்று நைஜீரிய முஸ்லீம்கள் போராடுகிறார்கள். அதற்காக உயிரைக்கொடுக்கவும் தயாராக இருக்கிறார்கள். எதிர்ப்பவர்களை கொல்லவும் தயாராக இருக்கிறார்கள். அவர்களிடம் போய் விவாதிக்க முடியுமா? உங்களிடம் பரிணாமவியலை பற்றி விவாதிக்க முடியுமா?
//2. Again you referred Dr.Sina’s website article. You said all these well renowned scientists were false and only Dr.Sina is correct. Who is Dr.Sina? Is he a scholar or a historian or a scientist? Who recognized him? He is nothing but a coward who hides himself safely behind the bars of internet and constantly refuses for a public debate even in his own place. This is not what I say, unbiased historians say, he is making half-baked cookeries. Please search the internet; you will know how he fools his listeners. Anyhow, I believe it is my responsibility to respond to the article you mentioned. Please go to http://www.answering-christianity.org and you will find not only this article is refuted but also all the articles published in Dr.Sina’s website.//
Christian and Muslims fighting against each other is like pot calling kettle black. Both are wrong. Both the books says earth is flat. Both the books say evolution is wrong and Yehwah and in quran's case, it is Allah created the earth in six days and created man in the last day.. No scientist would accept that.
இன்றைக்கு முஸ்லீம்களும் கிறிஸ்துவர்களும் விவாதிப்பது என்பது நீ மோசமா நான்மோசமா என்பதுதான். ஏனென்றால் இரண்டு புத்தகங்களுமே பரிணாமவியலை ஒத்துக்கொள்வதில்லை. உலகத்தை ஏழு நாட்களில் படைத்து இறுதி நாளில் களிமண்ணில் மனிதனை படைக்கிற புராணக்கதைகளை உண்மை என்று வாதிப்பவர்கள்.
//One question brother, why don’t you take other scholars or scientists who opposed Quran in modern era and quote their articles or verses apart from Dr.Sina, who is not a scholar or a scientist or geologist etc. Does that make sense to you?. Also you talked only about medicine (which is proved wrong), what about other scientific facts in Quran. Please bring the proof by quoting unbiased Historians. //
There are no scientists in the world who would say god created the earth in six days and created man in the last day.. No scientist would accept that.
இந்த உலகத்தில் ஒரு சயண்டிஸ்டும் உலகம் ஏழு நாள்களில் படைக்கப்பட்டது, இறுதி நாளில் கடவுள் மனித்னை களிமண்ணிலிருந்து படைத்தான் என்று யாரும் நம்புவதில்லை. அப்படி எதேனும் சயண்டிஸ்டு நம்பினால், உடனே சவுதி பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் கூப்பிட்டு பேச வைத்து யூ டியூபில் போட்டு இஸ்லாமிய பிரச்சாரம் ஆரம்பித்துவிடுகிறீர்கள்.
//3. Then Alexander matter. I clearly said in my previous article that, the identity of Zulqarnain is unknown. Some historians say it is Alexander, some will say it is Cyrus, some will say it is Atlas and some others will say it is unknown. The link that you send explains the same. You are trying to fool me at straight. I am not an uneducated fellow Mr.Aik. By Allah(swt)’s grace I have little knowledge over things. Let me tell something about Alexander. He born in 356 B.C and died in 323 B.C. During his lifetime, he claimed himself to be GOD and demanded others to worship him. Is this what Islam says. Islam says there is only one GOD. Hence if Quran says Zulgarnain is Alexander, then, don’t those who are well versed with identity of Alexander those days would not have asked prophet regarding this?. Please answer to this simple logical question. If somebody thinks the identity of Zulgarnain is somebody, what should Islam have to do with it?
Even if you take Zulgarnain to be Alexander (asthafirullah) what is the logical problem of those verses I mentioned. Quran mentions “It appeared to Alexander that sun sets in murky water” and goes on. Also one more thing, for people of early ages, sun not only sets in Murky water, but also sets in mountains, seas etc etc. If you accuse quran for saying sun sets in the murky water, why doesn’t it says sun sets in seas etc etc. Doesn’t that logical to you?. I hope, I clearly explained the point.
You should clearly understand the issue is that, mentioning the name of Alexander is not the problem over years, but sun sets in murky water is the real issue. This is not like what you mentioned in your vague comment that says “It is proved conclusively that ZulKarnain in Alexander. Since It disproves quran conclusively” No, this is not the issue at all. I hope you understood by now.//
அலெக்ஸாந்தர் தான் சுல்கைர்னைன்.
Alexander is ZulKarnain. Till 19th century every islamic scholar had said Zul karnain is alexander. These cyrus and other nonsense interpretations started in 19th century because by that time it is well known that Alexander is not a muslim and he worshipped many gods and even tried to call himself as the god. But quran says Alexander is a muslim. So they have to save quran by saying alexander is not zul karnain. Got it? But when the jews came to ask Mohammad about zul karnain, it is well known at that time all over the arabia that alexander is called zul karnain. The jews had Alexander in mind and Mohammad had alexander in mind. Now to extricate the quran from this embrassing proof that Mohammad created quran and not Allah or somebody, they have to say Alexander is not zulkarnain. Anyway the terrorists and the terrorist supporters have no shame.
19 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு வரை அலெக்ஸாந்தரும் ஜூல்க்கர்னைனும் ஒரே ஆள். 19ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில்தான் அலெக்ஸ்சாந்தர் பல கடவுள்களை கும்பிட்ட ஆள் என்று தெரிய வருகிறது உங்களுக்கு. உடனே அலெக்ச்சாந்தர் வேறு ஜூல்கர்னைன் வேறூ என்று சாதிக்க ஆரம்பிக்கிறார்கள். ஏனென்றால் அலெக்ஸாந்தர் என்ற ஜூல்கைர்னைனை முஸ்லீம் என்று குரான் சொல்லி தன்னை ஒரு டுபாக்கூர் புத்தகம் என்று தானே நிரூபித்துக்கொள்கிறது.
//4. Then you said the same old things like “Day in day out people are getiing killed, displaces, raped and beheaded in the name of Islam”. Except raping which I could not accept, others like killing, displacing and beheading all are happening in the name of Islam by few odd people. This one I wholeheartedly accept. These are happening. That is what we are saying, this is totally unislamic. Where does Quran and Sunnah recommends these things. If these people would have followed proper Islamic Sharia, Islam would have propagated even faster. If you say these odd muslims are doing these things in the name of Islam, there are millions of other peace loving muslims in the globe from North America to New Zealand who are also following Quran and Sunnah for their peaceful life, ofcourse I am one amongst them. Why these millions are not seen by your eyes. //
Yes people follow islam. Who denied that? People even gets converted to Islam. The same way even more people get converted to Bahai and Ahmadiiah cults. Christianity grows much faster than Islam in india. That means chrsitianity is more correct than Islam? No. Both are stupid and dubakoor religions. Built on lies and superstition.
இன்னும் டுபாக்கூர் மதங்களில் மக்கள் சேர்ந்துகொண்டுதான் இருக்கிறார்கள். இவ்வளவு பேர் ஏமாறினால், அது ஏமாற்று வேலை இல்லை என்று பொருளாகாது.
//5. Then you asked which Islam is Correct. All the sects you mentioned (except few) don’t have any problems in Accepting Quran and Sunnah (only). Whoever follows only Quran and Sunnah they are Muslims, the sects you mentioned are politically diversed and you need to read the history why there are few sects. Even prophet predicted this. Please don’t say you don’t know this. You just asked this question for time sake and you know, this will be the answer of mine. Once again I am telling “Muslims may be Wrong, BUT ISLAM IS SO PERFECT” //
How come both Shia and Sunni are both correct? if it is correct, why are they killing each other ?
சரியானது என்று சொல்லும் சியாவும் சுன்னியும் எப்படி ஒருவரை ஒருவர் கொன்றுகொள்கிறார்கள்? இது தெளிவானது என்று குரான் சொல்வது பொய் என்றுதானே அர்த்தம்? :=)))
//6. Then you said “Which muslims who commit atrocity does not go by Quran and Sunnah? All those rapes, murders, oppression of women, killing of minorties, denial of rights to minorities to propagate their religion, denial of right to converion out of islam, forcible conversion of non muslims all are Sunnah and Quran”.
Out of these, “Raping and forcible conversion on non-muslims” are totally unacceptable, even a muslim extremist will not do these things in the name of Islam. Please give me your proof. //
Check what happens in Darfur.
டார்பரில் அல்லவின் பேரால் நடந்த கற்பழிப்புகள் ஏராளம். போய் படித்துப்பாருங்கள். சமீபத்திய வரலாறுதான்.
//Throughout the history and now Islam is spread and spreading rapidly purely because of its message.//
Joke of the century.
Which muslims who commit atrocity does not go by Quran and Sunnah? All those rapes, murders, oppression of women, killing of minorties, denial of rights to minorities to propagate their religion, denial of right to converion out of islam, forcible conversion of non muslims all are Sunnah and Quran”
Because, all of them were done by Mohammad himself.
கொலை கொள்ளை கற்பழிப்பு, தன்னை எதிர்ப்பவர்களை ஆளை வைத்து தீர்த்துக்கட்டுவது, சிறுபான்மையினரை இரவுத்தாக்குதலில் அழிப்பது, தன் மதத்தில் சேராதவர்களை கொல்வது, தன் மதத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறுபவர்களை கொல்வது எல்லாமே முகம்மது செய்தவைதான். ஆகையால் இதனை செய்யும் இஸ்லாமிய பயங்கரவாதிகள் முகம்மதின் உதாரணத்தையே பின்பற்றுகிறார்கள்.
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