ஆனால், 1985இல் சவுது முஃப்டி அப்துல் அஸீஸ் இப்னு பாஸ் விதித்த பத்வாவின் படி, பூமி சூரியனை சுற்றுகிறது என்று சொல்பவர் எல்லோரும் பாவிகள். அவர்கள் எல்லோருமே காபிர்கள் என்று கூறிவிட்டார். மார்க்கத்திலிருந்து பிறழ்ந்தவர்கள் என்று மார்க்கத்தீர்ப்பும் வழங்கிவிட்டார்.
ஆகவே சுவனப்பிரியன், பிஜே மாதிரி பூமி சூரியனை சுற்றுகிறது என்று கூறுபவர்கள் எல்லோருமே மார்க்கத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறியவர்கள்.
Saudi Mufti 'Abd Al-'Aziz Ibn Baz Declared All Those Who Say the Earth Orbits the Sun To Be Apostates
Q: "Excuse me, but I don't know if we can mention names. Perhaps this is a sensitive issue for some people."
A: "If talking about this subject is a sensitive matter then that is additional evidence of how disastrous our situation has become. Anyway, I will give my opinion, and you can do what you wish.
"In Ibn Baz's book, published in 1985, he completely rejected the idea that the earth is round. He discussed the question on the basis that the earth is flat. He completely rejected the idea that the earth orbits the sun. I own the book and you can verify what I am saying.
"And so, the earth does not orbit the sun, rather it is the sun that goes around the earth. He brought [us] back to ancient astronomy, to the pre-Copernican period. Of course, in this book Ibn Baz declares that all those who say that the earth is round and orbits the sun are apostates. At any rate, he is free to think what he wants. But the great disaster is that not one of the religious scholars or institutions in the Muslim world, from the East to the West, from Al-Azhar to Al-Zaytouna, from Al-Qaradhawi to Al-Turabi and [Sheikh Ahmad] Kaftaro, and the departments for shari'a study - no one dared to tell Ibn Baz what nonsense he clings to in the name of the Islamic religion.
"The fact that you tell me that this is a sensitive matter - this means that I cannot reply to the words of Ibn Baz when he says that the Earth is flat and does not go around the sun, but rises and sets, in the ancient manner. This is a disaster. The greatest disaster is that we cannot even answer them.
"... The official religious institutions, first and foremost Al-Azhar, the faculties of shari'a, the departments of religious rulings, and so on are in a state of complete intellectual barrenness. They produce nothing but rulings like adult breastfeeding, the hadith of the fly, blessing oneself with the Prophet's urine, and flogging journalists. The field has been abandoned to the jihadist-fundamentalist ideology, as it is the only one that raises thoughts that are worthy of being discussed and rejected. This is because of the barrenness of the major official institutions which are considered to be exemplary.
"They are filled with repetitiveness, ossification, regression, protecting [particular] interests, perpetuating the status quo, and submission to the ruling authority. If the state is socialist, the Mufti becomes a socialist; if the rulers are at war, the clerics are pro-war; if the governments pursue peace, the [religious authorities] follow them. This is part of the barrenness of these institutions. This [forms a] vacuum in religious thought that is filled by the [intellectual] descendants and followers of Sayyid Qutb, for example, and that type of violent fundamentalist Islam..."
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